Service Design

Comprehensive, customer-centric planning of services, creation of ideal customer processes. The focus is on the overall customer experience of the products, not just the interface. This is service design.

We understand the perspectives of users and different experts in the company

We map user habits, motivations and needs. This gives us insights that will help us come up with the best solutions later on.

What tools we use?

In-depth interviews

Stakeholder interviews

Service Safari

User Personas

Exploring and understanding the already existing customer processes

Stakeholders draw together their current process, thereby forming a common understanding of channels, roles and processes

What tools we use?

Stakeholder mapping

Service blueprint

Stakeholder workshops

Design of ideal customer processes

Armed with the knowledge of the users' behavior and expectations, as well as the capabilities of the systems, we design possible solutions with visual tools.

Ideal solution's implementation plan

We evaluate together the upcoming recommended solutions, prioritize them, and we form them into tasks and insert them into the roadmap.

What tools we use?

Customer journey map

Architecture design

Prototyping (digital interface or offline processes)

Specifications, user stories


Evaluation matrix

Prioritize tasks, create a roadmap