User Research
Validating Concept, Understanding User Habits, Analyze Data & UX Research
Exploratory Research & Concept Validation
If you only have a product idea or concept, we can help you understand what your users really need.
We explore the habits and the behavior of your target group, the problems they struggle with, and their needs
We map the current condition and solutions of the market

What tools we use?
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Methodologies (In-depth interviews, Co-creation workshops)
Benchmark and Competitor Research
Defining Target Group & User Personas

Usability Research
UX Research happens in real environment including real users to receive valuable feedback about your product.
Explore how users interact with your product in real environment
Research helps to prioritize the business requirements and unfold the user expectations
We provide clear suggestions for designers and developers

What tools do we use?
Validating prototypes - Join the interviews and meet your users!
A/B test
Diary study
Beta testing group